Monday 8 September 2008

Foreward from Unveiling Reality by John de Ruiter

This evening we have John de Ruiter speaking in St. James's church on The Living Way of Truth. Here is an extract from the foreward of his book Unveiling Reality.

"We humans have such an awesome capacity... we have a full spectrum of consciousness. Through the vehicles of the mind, body, emotion, will and intuition, we can experience endlessly expansive or endlessly intricate dimensions of inward and outward movement of being. Within that, as we can later come to know, we have the capacity to share in profound depths of oneness with the universe. And what we also have is power - the ultimate kind of power, the greatest power in the entire universe: We have the power to choose to be anything we prefer, real or illusory, unlike the rest of existence which can only be itself.

As beings, we recognize what moves us and what we love most within those rich and diverse experiences of humanness. We clearly know the flow of goodness beneath the sensory wrappings, and we love it. It is the human heart - consciousness, finding itself in love with the Truth from which it originates, the Truth that touches it and nourishes it in so many different ways within......"

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